For those who are just starting out, they are overwhelmed and lost. Please remember where we came from and do everything possible to help guide them. Whether this means you yourself or by referring to another. There are enough of us out there now to do this together. Not everyone is ready, but they are seeking. They may be very resistant. Offer what is in their best and highest good and step away. Their ability to do whatever is not our concern. Their higher self will step in and help them when it is time. Open the door and plant the seed.
Nothing in this process is personal. It took all of us a long time to learn this (some of us longer than others). It is NOT about us, and if it is, then we are not operating at a level higher than our physical being. Keep in check at all times. Make sure that we are being responsible for our own energy transmissions at all times. It is better to step away and go get it together, rather than to subject another to our own "lack" of energy.
If one is transmitting the highest vibration of light, they are beaming and attracting those in need of light. Pay attention to the energy exchange. As soon as an energy starts to "pull" more than you have, step away, but in love. It does no good to get depleted. If you are having a rough day, go to the sun, charge your energy & 3rd eye. Push water, get sleep. Call upon higher self, guides, angels, whatever you communicate with and ask for light energy.
We now teach/share and step back more. Others can't lean too much or we are not helping. Offer and back away. If they start to tilt, offer something that makes them figure it out themselves. Making others dependent is not helping and is giving into the lack of both participating in the energy exchange.
For those who have been going through this for awhile, they will have more knowledge, but tend to get stuck everytime they have to "lose" something, lose an additional identity, step into fear. Help them recognize their own fear and step back. Everyone has free will and needs to exercise it accordingly.
It is now down to the wire. All of those who have "avoided" the unpleasantries of the signs they have gotten thus far to "let go" are going to go into panic mode. Things are going to progress and hasten.
Learn to recognize the "spin" of chaotic energy. Do everything you can to slow this energy down for yourself and to make others around you aware. If you don't know how to do this, contact someone who can teach you.
Most of all, Lightworkers, come together. Support each other. We are still in human form and we need to be the strength for each other when having a "moment". Our light is stronger together!
Always, always, come from the highest vibrational frequency of love & light. Stay in gratitude in every moment. It is time to step up.
Be the light that you are and shine like never before.
Embracing you all with love and light.