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To become conscious, gives one the opportunity to be aware. Those moments when first becoming conscious provide for a new awareness that did not exist before. Sometimes we are not even aware until a cool new thought falls from the uttering of our lips. Then we hear it and go "woah".... then awareness becomes more present. We start to study everything with this new awareness that allows for new perspectives that just were not an option before. Epiphanies become a part of our day, we even start to record or journal them because they seem so brilliant. Then we figure out someone else already understood this new brilliant thing, but we don't care, because it is still so cool! But then, the physical world realities creep back in and we fall in & out of consciousness. Our spirit drops crumbles of alternate existences that we strive to obtain, but are always a wee bit out of grasp. All that matters is that we know.... we know that they exist. They exist in that space of the unknown, where others cannot see, but makes total sense to us. Our previous insanity looks trivial to the things we now comprehend and the things we could not get before, are so "yesterday" very quickly. "Time" speeds up and then comes to a halt at any given moment. Our scalps start to tingle like little bugs crawling or little electrical currents tingling about. That space between our eyes starts to "feel" too. Sometimes it feels like someone sitting on our forehead or weird headaches out of the blue come & go for no reason. Our heart & chest hurts and any pain buried deep within decides it is coming up whether we like it or not. It feels like we are no longer driving this bus. Like something stepped in and took over our bodies. Yet, it offers hope of something, something we cannot explain. There is a glimmer inside, even on the dark days, and we don't understand it at the time, but that my fellow loves, is your soul emerging. That is the light that we all speak of in the midst of the dark of emerging. That is the beginning of everything about to change. The reality we once knew starts to change. Memories start to fade away. What is important is different. There is this desire within to be happy. Not like before. Not with any"thing", but happy inside. This is a quest we will travel alone to find our own selves. And we will find that we had no idea who we really were. Even this will become a new creation, as what we once were no longer exists. We go through a period of "who am I" and "why am I here"? We question everything, seeking any bits of information that will provide us with answers showing that we are not losing our minds. For those with the absolute brightest light emerging, the pain is perceived as excruciating, as we chose the most duality to experience to come here and help others. But first, we have to go within and see every hidden secret, acknowledge every forgotten blip and own it to let it go. Fear, shame, blame, guilt all become but thoughts that no longer exist. Those, along with judgement, right, wrong, anger, doubt, betrayal... they all just fall away. Conflict is replaced with ease. Anger is transformed into love. And dark fades and our light emerges as the brightest, most exquisite existence of our being. This is your purpose. This is why you are here. And this will help the masses. Welcome to your awakening process and all part of the thing we call ascension. With each level of ascension, a new level of consciousness emerges. New levels of awareness are achieved and those little things no longer matter, as what we have access to doesn't exist in the reality of the physical. What we have now are the beginning stages of integration. Integration into one body of light. Yesterday was quite an experience for me. I have learned not to expect anything and to go with whatever presents itself. It had every range of reality all thrown into a huge pot. This pot allowed me to experience the things that I no longer maintain in my current reality, observe without judgement and release without need to hold on. Those things I am still observing for the sake of these posts, learning, helping another, are still present and will be released the moment I transmit the lesson for others to use for their own reality observations. At any given moment, these realities change and we have to be conscious enough, aware enough to switch them. Otherwise we have to deal in that reality anything left to deal with and clear on a karmic level. How long we stay there is now a choice. If one can release things from being personal, they can move between levels much easier. Anytime something is "personal" and one feels the need to participate & observe then there is still an unresolved or uncleared karmic debt. How aware and conscious are you? Can you choose to cut, clear, release & step forward with ease? I have learned that when I can't remember something, it is not important in "that moment". It may be important later, so it is still stored in a memory bank for me to access, but the emotional responses are gone, since they don't exist in the present moment and are now a tool of sharing for healing. I have had many times occur where someone will ask me something about the "past" and I just don't remember. Used to be, this was viewed as something wrong with my memory, but now I "see" why it is not readily available. It is not that they don't matter, in the aspect of not caring, they just do no bear any weight on the current moment. We learn to appreciate them for the purpose they served and keep them in "storage". Our vibrational frequency at any time changes our reality. For the sake of this post, I am separating realities into just three (3), although this is no where near what one can experience once they start ascending realities. PHYSICAL REALITY: (The THINKING SOUL) The lowest reality on the vibrational frequency scale. Here there is complete duality. "This or that". One perspective, one perception, all which exist in linear time. The reality exists outside the self. A person is unconscious and subject to responses only according to the one-dimensional reality in their minds. Everything is personal. Exchanges are seen as person to person, in the physical. "Bottoming-out" becomes a reality for many of those who's souls are meant to awaken. One feels alone due to this sense of separation. He/she/they is the focus. Materialism is dominant and the logical mind needs something tangible to understand and/or comprehend. Fear is dominant in this reality. The physical body is in response to the vibrational frequency of the physical reality and all unresolved karma. Responses are emotional and one plays the roles of victim, savior, survivor, etc. in this reality. SPLIT REALITY: (THE THINKING SOUL SHIFTING TO THE FEELING SOUL) Mid-reality on the vibrational frequency scale. Duality exists, but a higher knowing is present. One seeks to understand more than the previously reality allowed. They start to use the "cool new eyes" that allow for new perspectives. There is an awareness of duality, and the logical mind starts to observe and teach itself according to the thoughts and emotions learned or maintained in the physical world. Comparison to "spirit"ual options now create more questions than answers, and duality of the thinking mind and the awakened heart is present. There is much teeter-tottering back & forth between the physical and spiritual worlds. The soul desires but the logical mind fights for control. Once starts to realize a purpose and strives to know or understand. Forgiveness becomes a part of this reality and love, inner reflection is apparent more & more as this process transpires. It is this period that one chooses love over fear and to release everything that no longer serves a higher purpose. Some choose unconscious and go back to living in the physical reality they once new. This means there are more lessons to learn there. Those who choose to embrace fear as the non-reality that it is, consciously choose to step forward and release. This reality endures a lot, but is most beneficial to a soul's growth process in order to transcend the duality of the physical and move forward into the next levels of ascension. There are periods of oneness and periods of separation. Each high is exquisite and each low presents an opportunity for something still left within to come up for release in order for the bodies to continue to bring in more light. Operates both from the mind and higher guidance, depending on the moment. The old continues to fall away. Linear time comes & goes. ME focus while observing "them" in order to learn. Tangible vs. intangible. One can flip-flop between all 3 levels dependent on the state of awareness and presence in any given moment and seeks to achieve the SOUL level reality. Starts seeing the difference in realities & illusion. Back & forth between love & fear & bliss. The physical body is all over the place in response to all of the clearings taking place on an energetic level in order to resolve karmic debt. Responses are emotional at times, with responses changing from reactions to conscious actions. SOUL REALITY: (THE "BEING" SOUL) One exists only for love and light and operates strictly from the heart & a higher connection that cannot be understood in the lower realities/realms. There are no other "moments". There is no separation. Oneness exists in every "THING". One transmits energy of the highest vibrational frequency of light in order to help everyone and everything else needing this in order to heal & grow. Everything is done for another. The soul purpose may or may not be known, but it is felt. Abundance is in everything and lack is no longer a reality. One sees the purpose of soul contracts, experiences and why they were chosen to help the soul heal. The "web" of connectedness is present and every moment & interaction is understood. Nothing is about any one individual, as again, there is no separation. Communication is primarily telepathic. Words are not necessary, except to help another. There is no linear time. WE is all there is. No focus at all. This state becomes one to maintain, rather than one to achieve. Sees the illusion of the physical reality and purpose in duality. Tangible is not an issue. Dominant feeling is perfection. The physical body is existent only to house the soul. Health is pristine and karmic debt has been resolved. Everything is an action of awareness and responses are not present as nothing is personal. One participates on a soul level and the physical is but a "suit" that one wears to house the walking soul energy. There is an obvious difference in these realities and mastering each one allows for moving between them at any given time in order to function in the reality necessary at that moment. Once one hits the SOUL REALITY, the difference between the realities is so vast. One can detect and feel every vibrational frequency and consciousness is in every "moment". One can fall back into being unconscious at any given moment if they have not cleared their karma and have chosen mind over heart existence. This can quickly be switched with the tools of awareness and continued dissolution of the logical mind. When one is truly present, there is no blame, shame, fear, guilt, judgement. When one is not, then they are subject to the loop of karma in order to resolve something that has yet to be cleared from their energetic field. Light Body Energy Transmissions create a "fusion" energy and "blow up" energetic blocks to allow for telepathic communication of all bodies & to all realms. These transmissions "connect" the frayed & separated energies and allow them to "talk" to each other as one. Instant clarity is experienced, new grounding is established, higher connections are built. I can "see" the connections of what was lost or not previously accessible. It looks like electricity running throughout the mental body, physical body, emotional body & soul body. One can feel & sometimes watch them as they "fire off" and ignite everything dormant. As these electrical "currents" hit each one of these, the bodies start to merge; Integration immediately begins. Intense & karmic low-vibrational frequency energy (looks like black oil), seeps or pours from the energy body to leave (for good!). This alignment allows for the building of the Light Body to start to take place! Apparently I "act" as a Crystal Activator, Generator, and Transmitter of this light energy. I don't quite have the words yet, but I do understand it. It is part of my purpose here; which is why I have had to achieve & maintain the highest vibrations in order to "step into" the frequency that this energy operates at. This is why Paige and I have come together, now. Together, we .... WOW!!!! (Sorry, I just now understood that.) For every soul we activate, they then transmit this light energy and activate those they come into contact with. It is a massive web of lights interacting, activating and connecting all to the whole. It is truly beautiful to "observe" from "here". Light Body sessions these last couple months have taken a huge "turn" for a different kind of "amazing". The only way we have to learn is to do it, then step back and observe. Luckily, those who come to me are willing participants in being the receivers of this energy as I "try" it on them. As I have grown into my purpose here and ascend to higher levels, I continue to receive higher vibrational transmissions. I truly am appreciative for each "volunteer" and their willingness to share after, in order to teach me and help others. For those of us who "do" what we receive vs. doing what we have been taught, we are not bound by the limitations of the rational mind. THIS has allowed us to transcend those things perceived as "normal" or expected. A "theme or trend" has formed during or after these specific sessions. I am posting here for those who are interested in this information. We do teach each other by sharing.
The energy sessions have been the most dramatic. The frequencies continue to elevate. With each session, as I integrate higher, I am able to bring more "here". This is allowing for the energy transmissions to intensify and actually "tune" ones energy to higher frequencies with less resistance & quicker assimilation. The effects are instant and quite fun to watch and experience together. After they leave a session, this energy continues to transmit on a whole new level. In the "old" days, when I did Reiki, the participant felt wonderful, but the affects surfaced over many weeks. "Issues" came up gradually and allowed the physical being to "deal" with those things that slowly emerged. To look back now and see it, the "being" suffered immensely through the physical pains & the emotional trauma that surfaced. It was a part of our "learning" process we all needed to endure our own lessons to get here to help others. This energy is SO different. It charges instantly to a super high frequency. In the actual session, the person can feel it working. Their energetic body creates instant flow and they get gas, start yawning, burping, sneezing, laughing uncontrollably... every physical way for low-vibrational energy to leave the energy field. Dark energy "seeps or even pours" out of the energy body when there is massive karmic energy carried over from other lifetimes/dimensions, etc. I have seen "buckets" pour from those with chronic issues. We charge all frequencies that allow them to receive communications, ground & gain clarity on a level never before achieved. Responses after a session:
Now, those with stronger ego/intellect do still "suffer" the most, as they are now suffering according to their own mind. They do understand it, but they have the tools to observe and make a choice to suffer. Their masculine energy is still still stronger (masculine energy needs to control). It sounds ridiculous, but being one of those with the absolute toughest logical brains, I chose suffering until I got enough of it and let go. The suffering process has dramatically decreased, as the conscious sufferer will choose not to suffer anymore. Some choose what they perceive as "easy" and don't want to deal. Which is why I only work with those who truly want this. I prepare them in advance that their "world" as they knew it will change. People and things that no longer serve will fall away at a faster rate. They have to CHOOSE this first. By making this choice, they are choosing not to suffer, but to let go by choice. It is those who resist letting go that will endure the most suffering according to the perceptions of their mind. Now, I have had those that this did not "work with" (in the beginning). It does work, because the person keeps being drawn back, but they were not "as" ready yet, due to the amount of masculine energy they maintained. Their ego consciousness is too strong still. They say "I know I need to do this, but... " and that but is their resistance, and if their resistance is stronger than their desire in the heart, they usually come back when the universe has seen fit to force them into a place where their ego is "broken" and they are desperate for light to come in. So even those who are "not ready", are getting ready. They just do not understand it at the time. This is where more patience is required on our part to transmit, step away and know that we have done what we were meant to do to help them at the stage they were operating at, in that moment. This energy allows one to "skip" (for lack of a better word), much of the old stuff we used to have to endure. It allows us just to release. The high frequencies actually "push" the dark energy & low vibrations out of our energy bodies. We don't have to do anything anymore other than to allow the release, be conscious & aware and learn to create clear Karma! Everything is different from this point on. The most fulfilling part of this is watching people catapult into happiness. The love that radiates from them is truly exquisite. SOULS are emerging now. This IS the most amazing experience to be a part of. Time as we perceive it... DO YOU KNOW HOW TO FEEL THE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OF "TIME"? If you close your eyes when things are chaotic and feel the energy, then create a "spin" to match up to the speed of the chaos. Listen to someone (or yourself) in a chaotic state and feel the vibrational speed at which that energy spins. Now, envision slowing that spin down. Breathe in love, peace, gratitude....and get present. Slow the frequency down. A calm energy will not spin as fast... You can actually SLOW time down by doing this. It is amazing!!!!! Try it!!!! Your "self" will thank you. And then you will have much more "time" to go slowly & accomplish everything, with time to spare!!!! ♥ The "lower" the state of conscious (i.e. an unconscious being) will spin time at a much faster rate. They are not present and are operating at frequencies of different emotions. Learning these frequencies help in starting to understand the difference in what is yours or someone else's too. This is why meditation is so helpful for many. It takes practice and we have to do this in the way that best suits us, but it is a very important part of our being. Now, the higher the state of consciousness, the "slower" time spins, the slower the "movement" of the frequency, until when we hit that very highest place where time actually just stops. It does not exist. Everything is present in THAT MOMENT.... and that is the most amazing place to be. SO much can be done & experienced in this state, which is an entirely different post! As Lightworkers, we have a responsibility to uphold and maintain the light within ourselves so that we can help others. First and foremost, we have to take care of our energetic, emotional and physical bodies. Any depletion causes us additional downtime and defeats our purpose here. As we start to retain more light, we require more water, more live foods and more sunlight. Sleep is detrimental, but the periods of sleep change. We may only sleep a few hours at night, up super early, then have to nap or "downtime" ourselves for downloads/upgrades/assimilation, etc. Our beings require the shut-down so that we can absorb lighter energies that we can't receive in a waking state. This can occur at any time and more often. Please try to remain as flexible and adhere to these downtimes as often as possible. Keeping a firm schedule is almost impossible, so please try to schedule as many "naps" as you can. You don't have to sleep, but you do have to pull away and rest your "brain". These periods are usually very short unless the transmissions are lengthy. For those who are just starting out, they are overwhelmed and lost. Please remember where we came from and do everything possible to help guide them. Whether this means you yourself or by referring to another. There are enough of us out there now to do this together. Not everyone is ready, but they are seeking. They may be very resistant. Offer what is in their best and highest good and step away. Their ability to do whatever is not our concern. Their higher self will step in and help them when it is time. Open the door and plant the seed. Nothing in this process is personal. It took all of us a long time to learn this (some of us longer than others). It is NOT about us, and if it is, then we are not operating at a level higher than our physical being. Keep in check at all times. Make sure that we are being responsible for our own energy transmissions at all times. It is better to step away and go get it together, rather than to subject another to our own "lack" of energy. If one is transmitting the highest vibration of light, they are beaming and attracting those in need of light. Pay attention to the energy exchange. As soon as an energy starts to "pull" more than you have, step away, but in love. It does no good to get depleted. If you are having a rough day, go to the sun, charge your energy & 3rd eye. Push water, get sleep. Call upon higher self, guides, angels, whatever you communicate with and ask for light energy. We now teach/share and step back more. Others can't lean too much or we are not helping. Offer and back away. If they start to tilt, offer something that makes them figure it out themselves. Making others dependent is not helping and is giving into the lack of both participating in the energy exchange. For those who have been going through this for awhile, they will have more knowledge, but tend to get stuck everytime they have to "lose" something, lose an additional identity, step into fear. Help them recognize their own fear and step back. Everyone has free will and needs to exercise it accordingly. It is now down to the wire. All of those who have "avoided" the unpleasantries of the signs they have gotten thus far to "let go" are going to go into panic mode. Things are going to progress and hasten. Learn to recognize the "spin" of chaotic energy. Do everything you can to slow this energy down for yourself and to make others around you aware. If you don't know how to do this, contact someone who can teach you. Most of all, Lightworkers, come together. Support each other. We are still in human form and we need to be the strength for each other when having a "moment". Our light is stronger together! Always, always, come from the highest vibrational frequency of love & light. Stay in gratitude in every moment. It is time to step up. Be the light that you are and shine like never before. Embracing you all with love and light. As you ascend, you will start to notice "frequency gaps" in the levels. Each time you notice this, those operating at a lower frequency will continue to fade away. This is a part of the ascension process. Take care to maintain your level of frequency & light. By doing so, those who are open, will receive your light in order to raise their own vibration. If you are transmitting at the highest vibration there is, this is no longer a depletion. It can only deplete you if you are sharing light and don't have enough to sustain your own in the process. Like a battery, the light body will have to be continually charged and maintained to operate a such a high frequency. The more one nourishes their soul, the more light will be retained to maintain longer periods of light. There are many ways to maintain and energize your own light quickly.
Being a lightworker holds the highest regard and responsibility. This responsibility is not a burden, but one that you have earned according to your soul's choosing. If you were not capable, you would not have chosen this. We need your energy to be clean, pure and for everything to be released that was dark and of duality. You will continually be "tested" in order to continue to release anything still left in your energy and to allow anything "picked" up in your interactions to purge quickly. Do not see these things as issues or weaknesses, but yet as part of the continual clearing process. It is time for all of those who chose, this to step up and embrace the light. The more light you absorb, the more it will guide you. You will use this to transmit to others and draw them to you. You require more light to filter in. You are becoming light, and light will feed you now. Charge your food with light. Charge your body with light. Breathe light into your being. Your physical health is imperative if you are to withstand what is coming. You are building your light bodies and you must place this above all. You will need to "cut and release" quicker. There is no time for participation in the things of the "past". Those times no longer exist. Nothing is as it was. If you wish to create, you must stay focused forward. You must continue in trust and faith and love. Your challenges now are to see how fast you can move through them. The quicker you do, the more you will stay in flow, the less you will be presented with those same challenges and ascend to the next level. Know that anything low left in your energy has to go. You will experience an abundance of things at one time. Any resistance to allow will create prolonged physical and emotional suffering, that you don't have time for. Control is in the mind and if you try to control it's release or how things need to happen, then you will get stuck in it. If you want to ascend the current level, you will have to "prove" that you are not falling back on the old habits of the past. Safe, self and dark are not longer an option. Don't examine the dark, you have done this already. See it, acknowledge it, and let it go. These are just remnants previously left behind. Your physical changes are a part of this. Don't block this, but allow it. Everything you do will be for another. Taking care of you is for another. Raising your vibration is for another. Being the light that you are is for all others. You chose this role to fulfill. Embrace it and allow your physical responses and thoughts to fall away. Raise your awareness above the physical. It is here that you must exist to continue from this point forward. Know that you possess everything you need to do this. You will be receiving more quickly as you remain in the light and open to receive. Open your hearts as wide as you can and transmit love and light in every moment. Replenish your energy in between. We will be transmitting bursts and need you to receive them. If you shut us down, your light energy will decrease and you will start to experience more of the physical again. If you wish to maintain a light body, you must make this your highest priority. With this transmission, you are receiving expansive love & light. We will be transmitting more from this point forward. Light Energy Channeling of the Collective |
Lisa Brown "Transcendence"Translator of Higher Dimensional Realms assisting in New Earth Transitions; LightBody Energy of Remembering Archives
April 2013